Sunday, September 21, 2014

so our mascot has a new name gris gris come chec us out

Saturday, September 20, 2014

This Is a Post about a Sighting In Our Home Town Connersville,Indiana

I lived in a house in Connersville on Central, was built in 1800. My husband went in to front room, left side of house facing road. When he opened doors to that room he saw a cloud of what looked like fog on corner.
He had a big red mark on his back when he got out of shower. When we both were laying in bed and not moving all of a sudden an imprint of a body sitting between us. And loud knocks at the door, my dogs would be barking at door.
I open it no
    one anywhere around the house. We both were working and my mom asked why we closed the curtains when my sis waved. We were at work. Too much more has happened, would take 2 days to tell all the happenings.


Friday, September 19, 2014


Podunk -
Podunk is an old town right by Bargersville. It's a really weird and freaky place that near-city teens go to. There's a bridge that if you drive on to & then stop & turn off your headlights, radio, and don't talk then you can see a baby crawl across the road. You can also hear it crying or laughing sometimes.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Barbee Hotel
Located in Warsaw Indiana
This Hotel had some really cool visitors like Al Capone it is said that you can still smell his cigar smoke and see apparitions of him in the bar. Rita Hayworth also stayed at the Barbee.
The Pest House
Located in Knightstown, Indiana
According to historical documents was used to quarantine the smallpox epidemic in the early 1900's. According to newspaper articles about 13 people died there and was buried on the property. Would love to investigate this house.

Photo: The Pest House 
Located in Knightstown, Indiana
According to historical documents was used to quarantine the smallpox epidemic in the early 1900's. According to newspaper articles about 13 people died there and was buried on the property. Would love to investigate this house.
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Evils changed their cover photo.
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Shelbyville - The Twins House

A long time ago there were two teenage boys who had gone crazy after their mother was killed by their father. The two boys killed their father in cold blood. The house is still haunted by the two boys. The house is symmetric on both sides, one for both twins to live on. On July 4th, 1940 the two stabbed each other to death. On July 4th it is said that you can hear the two boys screaming in pain from the fighting.
