Saturday, July 4, 2015

Hey there everyone! Happy Independence Day! Hope y'all are being safe with the fireworks this evening. I would just like to remind all our fans. Especially all you new ones that we still need your creepy, scary stories for the book we are writing! If you have ever had a scary or creepy experience we would really love to hear your stories...we will be Including them in our book! After all, where would we be without all our fans? And just so you know...if you want your name to remain anonymous we will absolutely protect your privacy! But please don't let that keep you from sharing stories with us! And keep in mind...we don't care if you think your story is too weird or scary to be believable...because we've seen and heard just about anything you can imagine. If you want to share your story with us, please go to and click on "your ghost stories". Thanks y'all! Don't forget to invite your friends to like our page and again thanks for hanging in there with us...we appreciate all of you! ~EVILSAngel <3
from Evils