Monday, August 10, 2015

Hello EVILS Fan's, Just want to keep you informed of what's going on here at EVILS. I will be doing a Hunt by myself this week Sand man and the rest of EVILS won't be able to join me since this is kind of a family outing with my oldest son, but the exciting news is I will be staying at the Barbee Hotel in Warsaw Indiana..So here is some interesting history and facts for you to read and ponder until I bring you some evidence. So STAY TUNED this might me very interesting..~Grim Barbee Hotel, Warsaw, Indiana The Barbee Hotel in Northern Indiana was a popular spot for Chicago gangsters to get away from the city in the 1920's. One of the guests was none other than Al Capone himself. It is believed that many of these gangsters returned to the hotel in death. Staff members have reported seeing an old man sitting in a booth after closing. When staff members talk to him there is no response. Thinking they are dealing with an unruly customer they leave to get assistance. However, upon returning the bar is empty and no one has seen anyone leave. One legend states that the hotel was a popular place that gangsters took their girlfriends to. One gangster however took the girlfriend of another gangster. She was then murdered in the hotel by the jealous thug. People have reported that they hear her wailing at night and they feel cold spots generating from the area. Rita Hayworth also was known to stay at the Barbee. Other phenomena includes the appearance of faces in photographs taken at the hotel, and more commonly orbs. Footsteps have also been heard. Some people claim to even smell the cigar of Al Capone.

from Evils